How Cannabis Reveals Your Creative Talents

1.8 min readPublished On: September 8th, 2022By

LOS ANGELES–According to scientists, creativity in humans is centered in the brain’s frontal lobe. Cannabis consumption boosts cerebral blood flow (CBF) in this area, making it more active. 

This type of practice encourages artistic output in two ways. First, it activates the area around the nucleus accumbens of the brain. Second, the frontal lobe is the headquarters for what is known as “creative divergent thinking.”

Low doses boost creativity, unlike highly concentrated THC content

In 2014, Leafly published a study pointing out that when it comes to cannabis and creativity, dosage is critical. The study found that cannabis increased two components of divergent thinking at modest doses (5.5 mg THC): fluency and flexibility.

Obviously, scores were much higher for uniqueness. However, when the amount was increased to 22mg THC, the results in most categories were significantly lower.

There is still a lot of work to be done to explore the connection between cannabis and creativity, as in other areas of cannabis research. 

However, the facts show that:

  • Cannabis increases cerebral blood flow, which indicates an increase in creative productivity.


  • However, too much THC can actually stifle creativity, while lesser amounts only stimulate the artistic side of a person.


  • Cannabis can boost the creativity of less creative people but has less of an impact on those who are already creative by nature.


  • There are more creative people among those who constantly use cannabis.


All in all, scientists don’t have a firm judgment on this rather abstract subject. However, whether you’re already creative or if you do your best work after 20 mg of THC, cannabis is capable of further increasing your artistic abilities.

Just follow your instincts. And, if you’re still figuring it all out, try experimenting with different dosages, activities, products, and surroundings to see if cannabis can help you discover your inner artist.

About the author: Dmitry Ostrovtsev is a cannabis entrepreneur who is based in Spain. He’s the president of Cannabionics, an AI driven marketing platform, enabling companies to succeed in the global cannabis industry. You can contact him via direct message on Linkedin click link here.

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The News Team at Highly Capitalized are some of the most experienced writers in cannabis and psychedelics business & finance. We cover capital markets, finance, branding, marketing and everything important in between. Most of all, we follow the money.

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