A LIFE IN A DAY: Daniela Williams: Chief Growth Officer: Paylient

7.9 min readPublished On: September 9th, 2024By


Here, in A LIFE IN A DAY, a person shares with Highly Capitalized, what life’s like for them outside their busy working week. This week’s A LIFE IN A DAY features Daniela Williams.

Daniela is the Chief Growth Officer (CGO) at Paylient, where she spearheads the development and execution of growth strategies, nurturing new business relationships, and ensuring a deep understanding of customer needs. 

Daniela Williams brings nearly two decades of PEO experience to Paylient, having excelled in leadership roles at Fortune 500 companies like Salesforce and ADP TotalSource. At ADP TotalSource, she demonstrated effective communication, leadership, and problem-solving skills, playing a pivotal role in developing the sales and marketing arm. At XMI Human Resource Solutions, she contributed to the company’s successful acquisition by G&A Partners.

Originally from Los Angeles, Daniela holds a bachelor’s degree in Psychology from California State University, Northridge, and an MBA from the University of Phoenix. She now resides in St. Augustine, Florida with her family, where she enjoys beach outings, boating, and community volunteering.

A Life in A Day with Daniela Williams: Chief Growth Officer of Paylient

What’s your morning routine, and what do you think about in the mornings?

My morning routine starts with my daughter waking up by 6:43 am at the latest—like clockwork, lol. I wake up either thankful she slept through the night, or exhausted from waking up with her. I try to get some cuddle time in before making her breakfast (which she usually says she doesn’t want after asking for it…toddler life, lol). Then, I get her dressed, make her lunch, get her stuff ready for school, and off we go. This is our time to jam out to only the coolest of toddler music. I drop her off at school and come home to get myself ready for the day. 

Weekends are a little less hectic since school is not involved—jammies stay on a little longer and there’s less stress about being places on time. 😊

What part of the world do you wake up in the morning, and what is it like where you live?

I wake up in St. Augustine, FL. Born and raised in Los Angeles, it’s very different—it’s hot and humid by 8 am. I’m not used to that, being a Cali girl LOL.

What’s the first thing you do each day, and what do you eat and drink in the morning?

The first thing I do each day is get my daughter from her crib and give her hugs and kisses. I usually drink water (Bubly pink grapefruit is my fav), and if I eat breakfast, it’s scrambled eggs with cheese and/or matzah with cream cheese. 

What publications do you recommend to read in cannabis?

I like to stay informed with great publications like MJBizDaily and Green Market Report. Highly Capitalized Network is always a great source of breaking coverage in the cannabis business. There are some really great pieces being written at GreenState, Ganjapreneur, and of course, High Times.

How do you work and plan your day, what’s your job?

I am the CGO for Paylient. I work as efficiently as possible so that I can find a way to balance giving my all at work and also being there for my family. I am solely responsible for revenue generation for Paylient, and I take that very seriously. It is important to me that I represent a brand that cares so much about its mission to support the cannabis industry as a whole, but more specifically, the owners, C-levels, and employees within it.

Do you exercise or meditate, and what do you think about when exercising or meditating?

My current exercise routine consists of chasing and carrying around a toddler, lol. Although at some point, I do plan to get back into figuring out a new exercise routine. I used to be very into boxing and cardio.

What’s for lunch and describe the rest of your day like up to dinner time?

Lunch is usually a salad or a quick grab of fruit or veggies when I’m being healthy 😊—and that’s if I have time to eat! I take a break from work around 3:30 pm EST to go pick up my daughter from school. We make dinner, play, and then it’s books and baths before bedtime. After she’s down, I typically get back online to finish out my workday.

What do you wear these days?

The Florida humidity is no joke, so I usually wear jean shorts and t-shirts or yoga pants and sweatshirts when it gets colder. I’m big on Dallas Cowboys and “mama” shirts.

What are some thoughts you might have about your cannabis job–compared to previous jobs?

This industry has proven to be very different. Everyone has been incredibly kind and welcoming. Going to networking events is something I actually look forward to. I’ve met some great friends, and everyone is so eager to work together to help this industry thrive. I see so much opportunity.

What’s your evening routine like after work? What’s your commute like?

I work from home, so aside from traveling for conferences, I’m lucky enough to only have to go about 20 feet. My evening routine is all about my daughter (see our photo up above), and once she’s in bed around 8 pm, my husband and I relax with movies or TV on the couch, and we’re usually in bed by 10:30 pm.

Daniela interviewing cannabis operators in Ohio at The Ohio Classic cannabis event earlier this year.

When do you consume–during the day or at night?

I only consume at night.

What’s your bedtime routine, and what are your thoughts as you drift off to sleep?

I wash my face, brush my teeth, and cuddle with my husband. I use this amazing eye mask that has heat, relaxing music, and a massager that sends me straight to sleep. The thoughts that consume me are always about how I did as a mom and wife that day, and how I can get the Paylient message out there to really make an impact.

What inspired you to get involved in cannabis?

My dad is the reason I got into cannabis. He was a very, very, very big supporter of cannabis my whole life, and he felt strongly that it should be legalized. Sadly, he passed away before he could see that happen. For me, even though joining this industry meant taking a huge pay cut and a big chance, I feel like I’m living out my dad’s passion and mission. It’s a meaningful way for me to remember him, pay tribute to him, and continue helping the industry he loved so much to professionalize and grow.

What impact do you hope to make in the cannabis world, personally and professionally?

I really hope to make a big impact on this industry. Now that I’ve been in it for some time, I see how difficult it is and the amount of roadblocks and pressures put on people trying to get licenses. It’s ignited me even more to ensure that owners and employees in this space have access to the same resources that other industries do. I want to bring in solutions that will insulate these businesses from potential risks, harm, or lawsuits. 

The government and regulatory bodies don’t hand out instruction manuals on how to stay compliant and protect yourself—you’re expected to figure it out, and many people don’t know how to do that.

Is there a holiday or occasion that you look forward to every year?

Aside from my birthday, which used to be all about me (before I had a kid, lol), I would say my favorite holiday time is the Christmas and Hanukkah season. I’m Jewish, but I celebrate both—not so much for the religious aspect, but for the traditions and culture. Holidays are a big deal for me. I love creating memories, making people feel special, and just the whole festive atmosphere. If you saw my house, it’s like Hallmark and Pinterest exploded. I love it!

What’s a day in your life that you would relive if you could?

There are so many days I’d love to relive, but I would say my wedding day, which also happened to be on 4/20 (fitting for a cannabis supporter like me, right?), or any day I got to see, talk to, or hug my dad or my Grammy and Poppy again. These are people who passed when I was younger, and you just don’t think about the fact that they won’t be around again. Any opportunity to tell them how much I love them and spend more time with them would be at the top of my list.


Highly Capitalized Network © 2024 All Rights Reserved. Highly Capitalized thanks Daniela Williams for sharing her LIFE IN A DAY. Stay tuned to Highly Capitalized for more people, news, and moves in the cannabis and psychedelics industries.

About the Author: HCN News Team

The News Team at Highly Capitalized are some of the most experienced writers in cannabis and psychedelics business & finance. We cover capital markets, finance, branding, marketing and everything important in between. Most of all, we follow the money.

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