Ottawa’s Psilocybin Retailers Maintain Operations Amid National Enforcement Actions
LOS ANGELES- In Ottawa, several storefronts openly selling psilocybin, the psychoactive compound in magic mushrooms, continue to operate with minimal interference from local law enforcement. This contrasts with actions in other Canadian municipalities, where authorities have conducted raids and shut down similar establishments.
The Golden Teacher, located at the corner of Rideau and Dalhousie streets, has been in operation since December 2021, offering products such as dried mushrooms, gummies, chocolates, and microdose capsules containing psilocybin. Another retailer, Shroomyz, situated on Preston Street, commenced operations in May 2022. Despite the illegality of psilocybin sales under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act, these businesses have remained largely unimpeded.
In August 2023, Ottawa police intervened in a dispute at Magic Mush, a psilocybin dispensary on Bank Street. Officers seized products and charged two individuals with trafficking-related offenses. Despite this action, the store reopened shortly thereafter.
This measured approach in Ottawa contrasts with more stringent enforcement in cities like Toronto and Vancouver, where police have conducted multiple raids on psilocybin dispensaries. Experts suggest that varying municipal priorities and resources contribute to these differences in enforcement.
The proliferation of psilocybin dispensaries in Ottawa reflects a broader national trend reminiscent of the pre-legalization period of cannabis in Canada. Advocates argue that these operations meet community needs and push for regulatory reform, while opponents express concerns about public health and safety.
As the legal status of psilocybin remains unchanged federally, the future of these establishments depends on evolving public policy and law enforcement strategies. Stakeholders continue to monitor developments closely, anticipating potential shifts in the regulatory landscape.