New Hampshire Residents Support Cannabis Legalization Despite Legislative Setback

1.4 min readPublished On: June 26th, 2024By

LOS ANGELES- A recent poll by the University of New Hampshire Granite State Poll reveals that 65% of New Hampshire residents support legalizing cannabis for adult use, reflecting strong public backing. This contrasts sharply with House lawmakers’ recent decision to table a cannabis legalization bill, effectively halting its progress.

Public Opinion on Cannabis Legalization

The poll, conducted on June 20, shows that 65% of residents either “strongly” or “somewhat” support legalization, while 19% oppose it, and 15% remain unsure. This marks a slight decrease from the 72% support reported in May 2023. Support among Independents dropped by 12 percentage points and Republican support by eight percentage points, although majorities among socialists (97%), progressives (95%), libertarians (76%), liberals (72%), and moderates (66%) still favor legalization. Only 41% of conservatives support the reforms.

Legislative Actions

Last month, the New Hampshire Senate passed a bill designed to align with Republican Governor Chris Sununu’s preferences, which included a state-run shop model similar to the state’s liquor sales system. Despite this, the House tabled the proposal earlier this month. The House had previously passed its own version of the bill in April, which did not include state-run shops.

Implications and Future Prospects

The contrast between public opinion and legislative action highlights a significant gap in New Hampshire’s approach to cannabis policy. Governor Sununu’s favored model aims to control sales through state-run shops, but the House’s rejection of the proposal suggests differing views on the best implementation strategy.

Support for cannabis legalization remains robust among various political groups, indicating continued public interest and potential for future legislative efforts. As New Hampshire navigates this policy area, lawmakers may need to consider the strong public support and evolving attitudes towards cannabis legalization.

About the Author: HCN News Team

The News Team at Highly Capitalized are some of the most experienced writers in cannabis and psychedelics business & finance. We cover capital markets, finance, branding, marketing and everything important in between. Most of all, we follow the money.

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