Floridians Show Significant Support for Adult-Use Cannabis, Poll Finds

2 min readPublished On: September 12th, 2023By

LOS ANGELES– A recent survey conducted by the University of South Florida and Florida Atlantic University has revealed that a substantial majority of Floridians are in favor of legalizing adult-use cannabis, with a significant portion also supporting the state’s existing medical cannabis program.

According to the poll, 60% of the respondents expressed support for the legalization of adult-use cannabis in Florida, while a notable 83% approved of the current medical cannabis program. The survey further indicated that approximately 29% of those polled preferred to keep cannabis illegal for adult use, with around 11% remaining undecided on the issue.

The study delved deeper into the perceptions surrounding the medical cannabis program in the state. Less than half of the respondents, 45%, believed that the medical cannabis program is being abused, with 50% disagreeing with this sentiment. Additionally, 39% felt that medical cannabis was too easily accessible in the state, a view contradicted by 57% of those surveyed. The topic of penalties for sharing medical cannabis also saw a division, with 40% advocating for stringent repercussions, while 52% opposed this stance. Furthermore, the respondents were almost evenly split on the issue of taxing medical cannabis, with 44% in favor and 45% against.

This poll comes at a critical juncture when the campaign to introduce an adult-use cannabis question to Florida voters in 2024 has gained momentum, surpassing the necessary signature threshold to feature the issue on the ballots. However, this initiative faces opposition from state Attorney General Ashley Moody, who has raised concerns about potential “devastating criminal liability under federal law” for cannabis consumers if the proposal is approved.

Solicitor General Henry Whitaker, representing Moody, argued in a recent brief that the ballot summary is misleading and could unduly influence voters, potentially fostering a monopolistic control over the cannabis market, which could be detrimental to the citizens of Florida. The state Supreme Court is tasked with evaluating the ballot initiative to ensure it adheres to the state law requirements of covering a single subject and presenting no confusion to the voters before deciding on its inclusion in the ballots.

As Florida grapples with the evolving landscape of cannabis legislation, the recent poll underscores the shifting perspectives of its citizens, indicating a growing acceptance and support for both medical and adult-use cannabis in the state. The forthcoming decisions of the state Supreme Court will be pivotal in determining the trajectory of cannabis policy in Florida, potentially marking a significant shift in the state’s approach to cannabis regulation and consumption.

About the Author: HCN News Team

The News Team at Highly Capitalized are some of the most experienced writers in cannabis and psychedelics business & finance. We cover capital markets, finance, branding, marketing and everything important in between. Most of all, we follow the money.

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