Florida’s Evolving Medical Cannabis Landscape: Trends and Future Prospects

2.1 min readPublished On: December 5th, 2023By

LOS ANGELES – Florida’s medical cannabis market is witnessing significant growth, with over 850,000 active cannabis patients, representing about 4% of the state’s population. Insights from the Brightfield Group’s U.S. Cannabis Consumer highlight several key trends shaping this burgeoning market.

Demographic Trends

Florida’s medical cannabis consumer base slightly differs from the national average. Notably, the state’s consumers are older, aligning with its reputation as a retirement destination. Despite this, a majority of 55% of the market comprises millennials, indicating a broad age range in cannabis usage.

Political affiliations among Florida cannabis consumers also present an interesting trend, with 30% identifying as Republicans. This is significantly higher than in other medical markets, suggesting that cannabis consumption crosses traditional party lines.

Gender distribution in Florida shows a slight deviation from the national trend, where 52% of registered medical cannabis users are men. In contrast, 53% of Florida’s registered medical cannabis patients are women, indicating a more balanced gender representation.

New User Trends

Florida stands out with 12% of cannabis consumers identifying as new users, a figure 37% higher than the average in other medical markets. The growth of dispensaries, now totaling 592, has made access easier, contributing to this trend. These new users prefer gummies or chocolates, with 44% also consuming flower. Interestingly, this group includes a significant number of baby boomers and Gen Z individuals.

Product Preferences

Gummies have emerged as a favorite among Florida’s cannabis consumers. In 2023, 54% reported consuming gummies, positioning it as the second-most consumed product type after flower, which stands at 64%. This preference has evolved over time, with gummies overtaking vapes in popularity since 2022.

Pre-rolls, typically popular, rank third in Florida’s market. Looking at the latest Q3 2023 data, flower remains the most consumed product, with 61% of patients reporting its use, closely followed by gummies at 57%.

Market Potential and Adult-Use Legalization

Florida’s medical cannabis market is still in its early stages, with a large and diverse population increasingly interested in cannabis. Brands that successfully establish and expand in the state are strategically positioning themselves for significant success, especially if and when adult-use legalization becomes a reality.

Florida’s medical cannabis market is characterized by a diverse consumer base, evolving product preferences, and a significant influx of new users. These trends, coupled with the state’s substantial population and continued market growth, highlight Florida as a key player in the national cannabis landscape. As the state moves closer to potential adult-use legalization, the market dynamics in Florida offer a glimpse into the future of cannabis consumption trends and market opportunities in the U.S.

About the Author: HCN News Team

The News Team at Highly Capitalized are some of the most experienced writers in cannabis and psychedelics business & finance. We cover capital markets, finance, branding, marketing and everything important in between. Most of all, we follow the money.

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