FARRIS FORWARD: How to Unlock Your Passion: The Power of “Why”

5.4 min readPublished On: October 16th, 2023By

LOS ANGELES–Welcome to Farris Forward, a new series of articles by Jon Farris exploring the intersection of strategy and leadership. In the difficult and fast-paced world of business, especially in cannabis, it’s easy to get caught up in the “what” and “how” of your endeavors. Companies often pride themselves on the products they make or the services they offer, showcasing features, quality, or price. These aspects undoubtedly play a role in attracting customers, but they don’t tell the whole story. The true driving force behind any successful venture lies in a deceptively simple word: “Why.”

As Simon Sinek aptly puts it in his groundbreaking book, Start with Why, “people don’t buy what you do; they buy why you do it”. This often overlooked concept can be the key to unlocking customer loyalty, inspiring passion, and propelling your business to new heights.

The “Why” That Transcends

Consider this: there’s a world of difference between a repeat customer and a loyal one. A repeat customer comes back until something better comes along, while a loyal customer stands by your side even when it’s to their own detriment. They believe in your “Why” more than your products or services.

Take Harley Davidson, for example. Their “why” statement: “We believe in the power of dreams.” Harley Davidson’s “Why” isn’t about building and selling motorcycles; it’s about helping individuals chase their dreams on the open road. It’s a belief that resonates deeply with their customers, turning them into a community of dedicated brand advocates. Harley Davidson has created a brand identity so compelling that its customers proudly wear the logo, sometimes even tattooed on their skin.

This loyalty extends beyond logic; it’s rooted in emotion. It’s the feeling of freedom, rebellion, and camaraderie that comes with riding a Harley down the highway. This is the magic of “Why.” It taps into the heart of your audience, igniting passion and forging a connection that goes beyond transactions. It’s about feelings and emotions that drive action.

Discovering Your “Why”

Now, you might be wondering, “How can I find my own ‘Why’?” The journey to uncovering your purpose is a profound one, and it involves introspection and exploration. There are three valuable sources you can draw from: your customers, your employees, and yourself.

Begin by engaging with your customers. Ask them what would make them loyal to your brand even to their own detriment. What grand idea would resonate with them so deeply that they would stick with you through thick and thin? This exercise alone can unveil the core needs and desires your business should strive to fulfill.

Next, turn to your employees. Inquire about what inspires their loyalty to your company and its offerings. Their insights can shed light on the unique qualities and values that make your business stand out.

Finally, reflect on your own passions and motivations. What gets your heart racing when you go to work every day? Consider the moments of fulfillment and pride in your professional journey. Think about the challenges you naturally gravitate towards solving and the positive impact you aspire to make in the world.

From these sources, craft a concise yet powerful “Why” statement that encapsulates your purpose. For inspiration, look to other companies that have successfully harnessed the power of their “Why”: Apple: “To challenge the status quo and empower the individual”, Walt Disney: “To make people happy”, John Deere: “To help those linked to the land”, Coca-Cola: “To refresh the world”, The Wright Brothers: “To make flying accessible to all.”

Unlocking Authenticity Through “Why”

“Why” leads to authenticity, and authenticity is what consumers are seeking in the brands they choose to be loyal to. Authenticity is achieved when what you believe, what you say, and what you do are all in perfect alignment. When you start with “Why” and let it guide every aspect of your business, authenticity naturally follows. Your actions and words become a genuine reflection of your beliefs, resonating deeply with your audience. In a world where consumers value transparency and honesty, authenticity is the cornerstone of building lasting relationships.

The author: Jon Farris

Embrace Your “Why”: A Call to Action

Now that you’ve embarked on the profound journey of discovering your “Why,” it’s time to unleash its transformative power. Your “Why” is not just a statement; it’s a force that should guide your actions, shape your decisions, and inspire those around you. The most influential leaders and organizations don’t merely focus on “what” or “how” they do things – they start with “Why.”

Inspire Others: Your “Why” is a beacon of inspiration that can rally people behind your cause. Share your purpose with enthusiasm and authenticity. When others understand and resonate with your “Why,” they become part of a greater mission, and together, you can achieve remarkable things.

Make Purposeful Choices: With your “Why” as your compass, you’ll find clarity in your choices. Every decision, whether personal or professional, can be aligned with your deeper purpose. When faced with challenges or opportunities, ask yourself, “Does this align with my ‘Why’?” It will lead you down a path of authenticity and fulfillment.

Create a Vision: Envision the impact your “Why” can have on your life and the lives of those you touch. Picture a future where your beliefs and actions align seamlessly. This vision becomes your destination, and your “Why” is the driving force to get there.

Champion Your Cause: Be an advocate for your “Why.” Use your voice to amplify your purpose. Whether it’s in the workplace, your community, or on a larger scale, championing your cause can spark change and inspire others to find their “Why.”

Leave a Legacy: Your “Why” is your legacy in the making. It’s the mark you’ll leave on the world. By living in alignment with your purpose, you create a legacy that extends far beyond your own lifetime, influencing generations to come.

Editor: We’d like to thank Jon Farris for his insights in this article.  Jon Farris is a seasoned entrepreneur with a significant decade dedicated to the cannabis industry. Weathering the tumultuous storms of the 2007 real estate crash, as well as the cannabis downturns of 2018 and 2021, he’s not just survived — he’s flourished. Emerging as an authoritative voice in the cannabis sector, Jon imparts wisdom on both survival and growth. Whether guiding a startup or rejuvenating a mature company, he offers invaluable insights to enhance every phase of the business journey.

About the Author: HCN News Team

The News Team at Highly Capitalized are some of the most experienced writers in cannabis and psychedelics business & finance. We cover capital markets, finance, branding, marketing and everything important in between. Most of all, we follow the money.

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