Colorado Governor Jared Polis Applauds Legalization of Cannabis and Psychedelics

2 min readPublished On: August 3rd, 2023By

LOS ANGELES–In a recent interview with John Stossel, Colorado Governor Jared Polis expressed his positive views on the state’s moves to legalize cannabis and psychedelics, stating that the experience has been “very good.” Governor Polis, a Democrat with libertarian principles on drug policy issues, believes that adults should have the right to make their own decisions about drug use.

Speaking about the impact of state-level cannabis legalization in 2012 and psychedelics legalization last year, Polis highlighted the positive outcomes. He noted that legalization has put many corner drug dealers out of business, created jobs, generated tax revenue, and resulted in safer products. However, it’s worth mentioning that the governor’s comments about revenue and safety primarily pertain to the state’s cannabis market as the regulated “healing centers” for psychedelics are yet to be licensed.

When asked if he had any concerns about the drug policy reforms, Polis emphasized personal responsibility. He firmly believes that adults should have the freedom to choose whether they want to use cannabis, drink, or smoke, and that such decisions should not be dictated by the government.

While the interview focused on cannabis and psychedelics, Governor Polis shared an article by John Stossel, titled “The Democratic Governor Who Wants Drug Legalization and Free Markets,” which highlights his broader support for drug legalization and free market principles.

In June, Governor Polis called on lawmakers to allow him to issue mass pardons for individuals with prior psychedelics convictions, signaling his commitment to righting past injustices related to drug criminalization.

Though Polis has embraced the reforms and considers psychedelics a promising treatment for certain mental health conditions, he did not formally endorse the psychedelics legalization proposal ahead of the vote last year. However, following its approval by voters, he established a Natural Medicine Advisory Board to inform the state’s policies on psychedelics.

Additionally, the governor signed a bill into law in June that enables online cannabis sales, reflecting ongoing efforts to adapt to changing market dynamics and consumer preferences.

Furthermore, Polis approved legislation that strengthens cannabis-related protections for working professionals in the state, effectively enshrining an executive order he issued in the previous year.

Governor Polis’s stance on drug policy aligns with libertarian values, emphasizing personal freedom and limited government intervention in individuals’ choices. As the state continues to navigate the complexities of drug legalization, Polis remains committed to advancing policies that respect personal liberty while fostering economic growth and public safety.

About the Author: HCN News Team

The News Team at Highly Capitalized are some of the most experienced writers in cannabis and psychedelics business & finance. We cover capital markets, finance, branding, marketing and everything important in between. Most of all, we follow the money.

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