American Psychedelic Practitioners Association and BrainFutures Publish First-Ever Guidelines for Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy

2.1 min readPublished On: August 10th, 2023By

LOS ANGELES– The American Psychedelic Practitioners Association (APPA) in collaboration with BrainFutures has published reportedly the first set of professional practice guidelines for psychedelic-assisted therapy in the United States. These guidelines come as the FDA’s approval of psychedelic-assisted therapies seems imminent, signaling the need for standard practices within the burgeoning field.

About the Guidelines

The guidelines focus on the unique nature of psychedelic therapy, which combines the administration of psychedelic substances with therapeutic sessions. This intricate integration requires new processes and competencies, calling for specific guidelines to ensure effective and safe practices.

These new guidelines aim to:

  • Set Standards: By providing a clear benchmark for practitioners, the guidelines intend to promote legitimacy and integrity within the field.
  • Enhance Training: As interest grows in this field, the guidelines aim to offer a structured framework to train and prepare professionals.
  • Promote Inclusivity: Over 20 APPA members have contributed perspectives on justice, equity, diversity, inclusion, and real-world practice.
  • Ensure Patient Safety: They include points regarding training, screening processes, preparation, informed consent, ongoing monitoring, and more, emphasizing patient protection and ethical considerations.

A Path Toward Mainstream Acceptance

With growing evidence of the efficacy of psychedelic-assisted therapies for various mental health disorders, there is a drive to integrate them into the mainstream healthcare system in the U.S. These guidelines, the partners believe, will speed the adoption of these treatments and ensure access “for all who could benefit.”

David Esselman, BrainFutures’ executive director, expressed that these guidelines could become “a crucial new tool in clinicians’ toolboxes,” helping researchers design studies that may lead to new therapies.

Change and Adaptation

The field of psychedelic-assisted therapy is in its nascent stages, and these guidelines are expected to evolve with the growth of knowledge and real-world data. The co-authors have acknowledged this fluidity, stipulating that the guidelines will expire two years from their publication date, with updates to follow.

The release of these guidelines marks a significant step towards recognizing and regulating psychedelic-assisted therapy within the U.S. healthcare system. By providing a comprehensive framework for practitioners, the APPA and BrainFutures are not only acknowledging the potential of psychedelic therapies but also taking proactive steps to ensure their responsible and ethical use.

With the anticipation of FDA approval and the growing acceptance of psychedelics as viable treatment options, these guidelines set the stage for a future where psychedelic therapies could become a standard part of mental health care. For patients, professionals, and the wider healthcare community, this development brings a new dimension of hope and possibility for treating a range of mental health disorders.

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The News Team at Highly Capitalized are some of the most experienced writers in cannabis and psychedelics business & finance. We cover capital markets, finance, branding, marketing and everything important in between. Most of all, we follow the money.

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