Aeroponic Techniques Set to Transform Cannabis Cultivation

1.9 min readPublished On: September 25th, 2023By

LOS ANGELES- In an industry marked by its ever-shifting cultivation practices, Eden Grow Systems is leading the charge with its innovative aeroponic cannabis cultivation techniques. Unlike the conventional practices which rely heavily on soil or soilless substrates, aeroponics introduces a method where plant roots remain exposed and suspended, drawing nutrients from a rich water solution.

Jeff Raymond, co-founder of Eden Grow Systems, has shared impressive results indicating that aeroponic methods can significantly speed up crop growth. This evolution in cultivation not only promises quicker growth rates but also suggests potential operational savings due to decreased material and labor costs.

A key benefit from a business perspective is the reduced vegetative growth phase. Eden’s cannabis plants transition to the flowering phase within a week – a stark contrast to the typical four to eight weeks observed in non-aeroponic settings. Additionally, aeroponic cultivation has shown potential in producing cannabis strains with a heightened THC content, further amplifying its appeal in the commercial sector.

Operational efficiencies also stand out. “We can automatically manage water replenishment and flushing through our software,” Raymond noted. This level of automation implies that aeroponic setups might only need a third of the labor force compared to traditional cultivation processes.

However, it’s not all smooth sailing for this cutting-edge technique. The initial investment in aeroponic equipment is notably high, and there’s a significant learning curve for those accustomed to traditional cultivation methods. Bart Womack, Raymond’s colleague and fellow co-founder, emphasizes the importance of growers being adaptable. “Our approach is novel, and adapting to it requires an open mindset,” Womack observed.

The emphasis on water recirculation in aeroponic setups also brings forth an enhanced focus on sanitation and cleanliness. Raymond was quick to underline the importance of comprehensive understanding and vigilance. “It’s not a simple plug-and-play system,” he warned.

As the cannabis industry continues its rapid evolution, aeroponic cultivation, championed by companies like Eden Grow Systems, presents both remarkable promise and inherent challenges. The method could very well signal the future direction of cannabis cultivation, reflecting the innovative strides the sector is taking. However, whether this technique becomes mainstream remains a question for the future. The only certainty in this dynamic landscape is change, and the cannabis industry seems poised to embrace it.

About the Author: HCN News Team

The News Team at Highly Capitalized are some of the most experienced writers in cannabis and psychedelics business & finance. We cover capital markets, finance, branding, marketing and everything important in between. Most of all, we follow the money.

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