Interviews: BLUNT BRUNCH: Johann Balbuena, Founder Jaxx Cannabis
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Arizona Court Rules THC Metabolites Alone Cannot Justify License Suspension
LOS ANGELES- The Arizona Court of Appeals has ruled that the presence of THC metabolites in a driver’s bloodstream is not sufficient grounds for suspending their driver’s license unless the driver is shown to be ...
TerrAscend Secures Additional $26 Million in Loan Draw to Pay Down High-Interest Debt
LOS ANGELES- TerrAscend Corp. a North American cannabis company, has completed a second draw of $26 million as part of its senior secured term loan, bringing the total gross proceeds to $140 million. The loan, ...
Georgia’s Hemp Industry Faces New Regulations
LOS ANGELES- The Georgia Hemp Farming Act, which introduces new age restrictions and regulations for hemp products, took effect on October 1. The law prohibits the sale, purchase, and possession of consumable hemp products for ...