What is Delta-8 THC? Delta-8 THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol, is a minor cannabinoid that occurs naturally in cannabis plants. As an analogue of the traditional Delta-9 THC, Delta-8 produces a psychoactive high similar to its Delta-9 counterpart. Comparing the Highs If you were to describe the high traditional cannabis delivers it’s INTENSE. And if you were to describe the Delta-8 THC high, it’s MELLOW. Two of the most well-known side effects of traditional cannabis are anxiety and paranoia. When it comes to the psychoactive experience Delta-, however, those appear to go away completely. Delta-8 users find the high to be incredibly relaxing, often finding themselves clear-headed and able to take on tasks with ease. Other effects include a stimulated appetite – AKA, a not-as-intense, let-me-raid-the-fridge version of the munchies. How Long Until I Feel It? The onset time for Delta-8 to take effect can vary, depending on the delivery method you choose. Eighty Six Brand Vape Cartridges, for example, take effect within minutes; whereas their Delta-8 Gummies take significantly longer. The method you’re using, your tolerance, and other factors ultimately affect how long Delta-8 lasts for you. Vaping, for example, delivers an intense, but short-lived experience. Expect the high to last up to five hours, with its peak hitting you between 30 minutes and two and a half hours after dosing. Should you opt for eating it, the onset time is longer, but once the effects are felt, the high lasts up to ten to twelve hours! 