The Hive

  • cannabis consumption

How to Introduce a Friend to Herb

It seems like there are over a million and one ways to consume cannabis nowadays. From dainty dabs to delicious dried fruit edibles, dosing THC, CBD, or one of the other lesser-known cannabinoids is a whole new experience.  Even with all the advances in cannabis consumption, one tried and true method of smoking cannabis hasn’t ...

December 10th, 2019|

How to Use a Bong

It seems like there are over a million and one ways to consume cannabis nowadays. From dainty dabs to delicious dried fruit edibles, dosing THC, CBD, or one of the other lesser-known cannabinoids is a whole new experience.  Even with all the advances in cannabis consumption, one tried and true method of smoking cannabis hasn’t ...

December 10th, 2019|

The Different Ways to Consume Cannabis

The advent of legal cannabis has brought about big developments in the ways we get high. Long gone are the days when smoking a joint or hitting a bong were the only ways to feel the effects Mary Jane offers. Nowadays, a multitude of delivery methods are at our disposal, making it simpler than ever ...

December 10th, 2019|

Top Cannabis Jewelry Makers

Cannabis has definitely gone mainstream, especially in the world of high fashion (no pun intended). Long gone are the days where pot smokers have to hide in the shallows, shunned from society. Nowadays, cultured cannasseurs are ready to let their hemp-lined flags fly, as pot leaf prints and THC molecules begin to hit the runways. ...

December 10th, 2019|

Ganjasana Cannabis Yoga

It seems like there are over a million and one ways to consume cannabis nowadays. From dainty dabs to delicious dried fruit edibles, dosing THC, CBD, or one of the other lesser-known cannabinoids is a whole new experience.  Even with all the advances in cannabis consumption, one tried and true method of smoking cannabis hasn’t ...

October 30th, 2019|

Tips for Mellowing Out when Too High

The story is all too familiar. You eat an infused cookie or take one dab too many and all of a sudden are lost in a fog of anxiety, sweat, and fatigue - you’re too high. Most cannabis fans have at least one story of overdoing it or have been witness to another’s despair*.  Some ...

October 24th, 2019|
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