The Hive

The Advantages of Being a “Qualified Manufacturer” in the Cannabis Industry

NEW YORK -- In the ever-expanding landscape of New York's cannabis industry, entrepreneurs face a multitude of challenges on their path to success. From navigating the complexities of licensing to competing against illicit market players, the journey is undoubtedly arduous. However, savvy business owners have discovered a glimmer of hope amidst the obstacles: the potential ...

July 10th, 2023|

Complexities of Cannabis Outsourcing in a Murky Legal Landscape

LOS ANGELES-- The rapid evolution of the cannabis industry, as it transitions from the shadows of illicit trade to the forefront of mainstream commerce, has brought about a host of challenges for businesses. In response, companies are increasingly turning to outsourcing arrangements as a strategy to overcome these hurdles. However, industry experts and legal professionals ...

July 10th, 2023|

The Dawn of Social Equity and the Booming Adult-Use Cannabis Industry in New York

NEW YORK-- New York State is embarking on a groundbreaking social experiment as it grants adult-use cannabis licenses, aiming to rectify the injustices inflicted by the long-standing war on cannabis. The detrimental effects of this war have included widespread incarceration, generational trauma, limited employment and housing opportunities, and the flourishing of an illicit market, with ...

July 10th, 2023|

Transfer Pricing Challenges in the Cannabis Industry

LOS ANGELES-- As the cannabis industry continues to grapple with a complex web of regulations and tax rules, entrepreneurs like Abraham Finberg, Rachel Wright, and Simon Menkes of 420CPA display adept skills in maneuvering through the challenges. While Section 280E of the Internal Revenue Code poses a formidable obstacle by limiting deductions and credits for ...

July 10th, 2023|

Navigating California’s Cannabis Debt Crisis

LOS ANGELES-- As California's cannabis market grapples with a mounting debt crisis, the fate of the industry hangs in the balance, centering around a controversial piece of legislation known as Assembly Bill 766, also referred to as "The Cannabis Credit Protection Act." This bill seeks to address the industry's financial challenges by implementing stricter credit ...

July 10th, 2023|

Paving the Way for Interstate Cannabis Commerce, California’s Ambitious Plan

LOS ANGELES-- Amidst the picturesque landscapes of California's cannabis fields, a new wave of excitement is brewing in the Golden State. The Department of Cannabis Control (DCC) has unveiled a bold initiative that could potentially reshape the future for the state's struggling cultivators. In an intriguing move, Matthew Lee, General Counsel for the DCC, reached ...

July 10th, 2023|

A Calculated Approach: Navigating Federal Cannabis Legalization

LOS ANGELES-- The landscape of federal cannabis reform is undergoing a notable transformation, propelled by the growing number of states embracing adult-use cannabis. As this trend gains momentum, policymakers are increasingly compelled to consider significant modifications at the federal level. Key discussions revolve around two crucial acts: the SAFE Banking Act and the PREPARE Act, ...

July 10th, 2023|

California’s Path to Tackle Illicit Cannabis and Empower Legal Operators

LOS ANGELES-- California's relentless battle against illicit cannabis has reached a critical juncture, as state authorities strive to curb the flourishing underground market and protect the interests of legal cannabis operators and consumers. With the California Department of Cannabis Control (DCC) leading the charge, the government's determined efforts to dismantle illegal operations have yielded noteworthy ...

July 7th, 2023|

Trump Claims ”Genetically Engineered” Cannabis Causes Mass Shootings

NEW YORK - In a recent speech for the National Rifle Association, former U.S. President Donald Trump made a controversial claim that genetically engineered cannabis is the cause of mass shootings in the United States. Despite the lack of any scientific evidence to support this claim, Trump's words carry weight among his followers and serve ...

April 16th, 2023|

High THC Cannabis Does NOT Equal Quality Cannabis

LOS ANGELES–When it comes to the quality of cannabis, the misconception that higher THC content equates to a better high is widespread. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth. THC, the specific compound in cannabis that gets you high, is not a reliable indicator of potency or quality. Despite this, the industry often perpetuates ...

April 16th, 2023|

A LIFE IN A DAY: Omar Bitar: Co-Founder & President: Grupo Flor

Here, in A LIFE IN A DAY, a person shares with Highly Capitalized, what life’s like for them outside their busy working week.  This week’s Life In A Day features Omar Bitar. Omar Bitar is the founder of cannabis retailer, Grupo Flor and currently is President at Grupo Flor. Before cannabis, Omar has a successful ...

May 1st, 2023|

A LIFE IN A DAY: Wendy Campbell: VP Sales: MJ Unpacked

Here, in A LIFE IN A DAY, a person shares with Highly Capitalized, what life’s like for them outside their busy working week. This week's Life In A Day features Wendy Campbell. Wendy is the Vice President of Sales for Jage Media.  Jage Media is the producer of the popular conference, MJ Unpacked, which features ...

March 20th, 2024|

A LIFE IN A DAY: Wendy Campbell: VP Sales: Jage Media + MJUnpacked

Here, in A LIFE IN A DAY, a person shares with Highly Capitalized, what life’s like for them outside their busy working week. This week's Life In A Day features Wendy Campbell. Wendy is the Vice President of Sales for Jage Media.  Jage Media is the producer of the popular conference, MJ Unpacked, which features ...

March 23rd, 2023|

Raphael Mechoulam, ‘Father of Cannabis Research,’ Dies at 92

JERUSALEM- Raphael Mechoulam, widely regarded as the father of cannabis research, passed away on September 27th, 2021, at the age of 92. Born in Bulgaria in 1930, Mechoulam was a brilliant Israeli chemist who dedicated his life to unlocking the secrets of the cannabis plant. Mechoulam first became interested in cannabis in the 1960s, during ...

March 13th, 2023|

Dutchie Founders Ross & Zach Lipson Leave Dutchie

BEND, Oregon–According to a press release, Ross and Zach Lipson, who co-founded the privately held Oregon company, have resigned from their positions of leadership, and the board of directors has selected a new chief executive officer, chief financial officer, general counsel, and vice president of engineering. Tim Barash: New CEO of Dutchie Tim Barash, the ...

December 1st, 2022|

Innovation and technology, pillars of success for PuraVerde Cannabis

What are some of the factors that can help predict if a cannabis company will be successful long term? This is a very hard question to answer nowadays, considering that the US is heading to a recession, and whatever capital available to invest is being carefully allocated. Understandably, investors have different risk thresholds and tolerances, ...

November 4th, 2022|

Industry Disruption One Lipid At A Time? Meet Impact Naturals

It doesn't come very often the opportunity to completely revolutionize and disrupt not one, not two, but at least three industries at the same time, with a simple yet efficacious technology developed by an A list team. This introduction does not serve justice to set the tone for Impact Naturals, a health technology company specializing ...

November 4th, 2022|

PuraVerde: Maximizing efficiency in Cannabis

  For anyone in cannabis, it is very well known that this is one of the most volatile, rapidly evolving industries in America, particularly for investors and operators. The regulatory landscape and the fact that this is a re-emerging industry makes it very challenging to create sustainable businesses; the current economic environment showing financial distress ...

November 3rd, 2022|

LIFE IN A DAY: Vassili Kotlov: President at Impact Naturals

“A Life In A Day” is one of the most popular articles on Highly Capitalized. Life In A Day is a series of articles where we highlight personalities & leaders in the cannabis & psychedelics industries. In Life in a Day, you don’t talk about your work—but share a journal of your day. Maybe it’s ...

November 1st, 2022|

A LIFE IN A DAY: Patrick Moher: President at Microdose

As a dynamic and socially-conscious entrepreneur, Patrick uses creativity and a passion for human connectivity to unite individuals across social and corporate spectrums. His superpower is making solid introductions that create meaningful outcomes and amplify impact. He’s currently President at Microdose Psychedelic Insights, developing the industry's premier events and media platform alongside a highly motivated ...

October 31st, 2022|

A LIFE IN A DAY: Bill Oldham, CEO From Oldham Global

Mr. Oldham has more than 25 years of experience as an investor, serial entrepreneur, executive, and consultant, building two $100M companies from scratch, and working and managing companies with global reach in Europe, Africa, and the Middle East. Oldham Global's model involves building and maintaining mutually beneficial relationships with strong operational partnerships for long-term excellence ...

October 19th, 2022|

Super Critical Brands Appoint Dmitry Ostrovtsev as New Managing Partner & President

LOS ANGELES–Super Critical Brands Group, the global CPG marketing agency for the cannabis and psychedelic industries, announced today the appointment of their new President & Managing Partner, Mr. Dmitry Ostrovtsev. Dmitry has been in the cannabis industry both as a consultant at Super Critical Brands, and as owner of the cannabis ancillary company Special Ceremony.  ...

October 7th, 2022|

GreenWave Buzz Podcast Launches on Highly Capitalized

LOS ANGELES–Highly Capitalized announced today the launch of a new capital markets podcast called the GreenWave Buzz podcast.  This podcast series, conceived as a timely, thought provoking and unique perspective on matters impacting the cannabis investment landscape, is part of our rolling coverage of the capital markets in cannabis in North America and beyond. CLICK ...

October 4th, 2022|
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