Filament Health Achieves Milestone with Botanical Psilocybin Export to Israel

2 min readPublished On: February 20th, 2024By

LOS ANGELES- In a significant development for psychedelic medicine, Filament Health Corp. (OTCQB: FLHLF) announced it has successfully exported PEX010, its botanical psilocybin drug candidate, to Israel, marking a first for the country. This shipment is intended for a clinical trial at Hadassah University Hospital, focusing on the treatment of treatment-resistant obsessive-compulsive disorder (TR-OCD) and treatment-resistant post-traumatic stress disorder (TR-PTSD).

Lisa Ranken, Filament Health’s Chief Operating Officer, expressed the significance of this achievement, highlighting Filament’s global presence as a leading psilocybin supplier. “The successful export of PEX010 to Israel is a major achievement for our team,” Ranken stated. She emphasized the company’s role in the expanding research on psilocybin’s potential to address various mental health conditions.

Hadassah University Hospital’s study represents the 28th clinical trial worldwide to investigate Filament’s psilocybin for potential therapeutic use across 12 mental health conditions, including opioid and alcohol use disorders, depression, and coma. This international endeavor spans several countries, including Europe, Canada, and the United States, showcasing the global interest in psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy.

Dr. Ronen Segman, Associate Professor of Psychiatry at Hadassah University Hospital, noted the urgent need for innovative treatments for mental health conditions such as TR-PTSD and TR-OCD. “Psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy shows significant promise for treating both of these conditions,” he stated, aligning with a growing body of research supporting psychedelics’ therapeutic potential.

Additionally, Filament Health’s recent export of PEX010 to Perth, Western Australia, underscores the company’s pioneering role in the psychedelic field. This shipment, received by Reset Mind Sciences Ltd., a subsidiary of Little Green Pharma, signifies the first botanical psilocybin export to Australia. It marks a crucial step towards advancing psychedelic research and potential therapeutic applications down under.

In Australia, the landscape for psychedelic therapy is evolving, with authorized psychiatrists now able to prescribe psilocybin for treatment-resistant depression since July 1, 2023. Reset Mind Sciences is actively working towards a Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) license to produce psilocybin products for human consumption, derived from botanically sourced psilocybin.

This series of developments reflects a significant shift in the perception and utilization of psychedelics in medical research, with Filament Health at the forefront of supplying botanical psilocybin for global studies. As the world awaits further regulatory guidelines, such as the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration’s forthcoming Therapeutic Goods Order for psilocybin production, the contributions of companies like Filament Health play a crucial role in paving the way for new treatments in mental health.

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The News Team at Highly Capitalized are some of the most experienced writers in cannabis and psychedelics business & finance. We cover capital markets, finance, branding, marketing and everything important in between. Most of all, we follow the money.

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