Award-Winning Cannabis Farm Tikun Olam’s Secret to Exceptional Cannabis Yields

4.5 min readPublished On: August 13th, 2024By

LOS ANGELES — An international award-winning cannabis company backed by 15 years of clinical research, Tikun Olam, knows a thing or two about growing world-class crops. 

They also know that optimizing their facility protocols can lead to dramatic gains in potency, yield, and profit. With over 60,000 square feet of greenhouse space and more than 20,000 square feet of indoor grow space in Adelanto, CA, they decided to revamp their feeding program to maximize results at scale.

After encountering recurring nutritional and workflow challenges that plague even the most experienced growers, the Tikun Olam team tested a scientific, commercial-friendly Advanced Nutrients regimen on their cannabis, and the results are speaking for themselves.

How Tikun Olam’s Yields Increased by 25 Percent

Tikun Olam’s implementation of Advanced Nutrients has enabled them a 25 percent increase in production volume, significantly expanding their market supply per harvest cycle. The shift has also resulted in measurable improvements to product quality indicators. Post-harvest analysis at just two weeks shows enhanced trichome density, resin production, and aromatic compound development—factors that typically correlate with higher market valuation and consumer preference in the cannabis sector.

In today’s saturated market, cannabis with strong bag appeal stands out, rewarding facilities with hefty profit margins when others struggle to break even. 

As competition remains a constant pressure across markets, products exhibiting superior quality metrics command premium pricing. Facilities producing such high-grade cannabis consistently achieve above-average profit margins, while many competitors struggle to maintain profitability. 

This quality-driven price differentiation has become a critical factor in determining market success and financial sustainability.

Tikun Olan’s greenhouse growers have streamlined their schedule, eliminating costly guesswork that can cut into a commercial facility’s time and bottom line. From day one, they noticed healthier plants with the Advanced Nutrients feeding program. The results were in: more resilient crops with fewer pathogen problems, zero transplant shock, and robust growth.

No longer does their cultivation team stress about what’s going wrong with their crops and how to fix it. Instead, they enjoy smooth sailing with thriving, high-performing plants from seed to senescence. This efficiency and effectiveness in their feeding program have made a significant impact on their profit margins that other commercial cannabis cultivators can learn from.

Advanced Nutrients: The Secret Science Behind Effective Feeding Programs

Tikun Olam chose a commercial regimen from Advanced Nutrients to help them produce bigger yields of cannabinoid- and terpene-rich cannabis, while keeping the process simple enough to grow at scale. They utilize the following Advanced Nutrients products in their facility.

The Cultivator Series

This cost-effective three-part salt for growing at scale is loved by the Tikun Olam team for its ease of use and fast-dissolving nature. With a complete, cannabis-specific nutritional profile, their plants take off right from the start and perform at optimum levels all the way to the finish.

Voodoo Juice® Plus Tabs

These 3-in-1 microbial tablets make beneficial microbes accessible to commercial facilities. Tikun Olam’s plants enjoy ideal nutrient uptake throughout their crop cycle, with growers seeing thicker, fuzzier roots expand overnight.

Bud Blood® and Big Bud®

These legendary bloom boosters produce huge, dense, frosty buds and are Tikun Olam’s go-tos for achieving profitable flowers.

Grower Support: Tailored Insights to Boost Efficiency

Advanced Nutrients’ enhances its product offering to growers with comprehensive Grower Support, designed to maximize operational efficiency for commercial cannabis enterprises. 

This value-added component represents a significant differentiator in the competitive cannabis inputs market.

On a weekly basis, Advanced Nutrients’ cultivation specialists conduct on-site visits to Tikun Olam’s greenhouse facilities to collect tissue samples, ensuring accurate data guides their decisions. This systematic approach enables a shift from intuition-based decision-making to a data-driven cultivation strategy, aligning with best practices in modern cannabis cultivation and agribusiness.

Implementing this tailored feeding regimen, in conjunction with expert consultation, has yielded measurable improvements in key performance indicators. 

Notably, foliar health metrics have consistently achieved optimal levels across all growth stages. This improvement in plant health correlates strongly with enhanced crop yield and quality, key drivers of market competitiveness.

The Bottom Line

The economic implications of this approach extend beyond immediate crop yields. By fostering a culture of continuous improvement and data-driven decision-making, Tikun Olam is positioning itself for long-term sustainability in a market characterized by rapid change and intense competition.

With Advanced Nutrients, Tikun Olam sees healthier plants from the start, with roots popping out of the container, sturdy stalks that support 25 percent more yield, and greater terpene production than ever before. This results in bigger profits for their facility and better medicine for their patients.

Whether you grow cannabis in a greenhouse, operate a large-scale indoor facility, or run an outdoor cannabis farm, Advanced Nutrients’ science-backed solutions are proven to boost your bottom line. 

To learn more about Tikun Olam, the world’s first organization licensed to produce medical cannabis, visit them online at To inquire about Advanced Nutrients’ commercial-friendly feeding programs and boost your yields, potency, and profits, visit to learn more. 

For deep insights into cultivation topics, download our new ebook in partnership with Advanced Nutrients, “Inside Cultivation with Advanced Nutrients: Commercial Cultivation Across The Globe,” highlighting global strategies in cannabis cultivation, and how Advanced Nutrients propels market leadership with applied science and innovation—since 1999.

About the Author: HCN News Team

The News Team at Highly Capitalized are some of the most experienced writers in cannabis and psychedelics business & finance. We cover capital markets, finance, branding, marketing and everything important in between. Most of all, we follow the money.

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