Federal Move to Reclassify Cannabis: A Potential Game-Changer for U.S. Drug Policy

3.5 min readPublished On: May 24th, 2024By

LOS ANGELES- The federal landscape surrounding cannabis usage in the United States is on the cusp of a historic transformation. The recent proposal to reclassify cannabis from a Schedule 1 controlled substance to a Schedule 3 marks the most significant shift in national cannabis law since 1970. This pivotal move initiates a formal rulemaking process and sets a course for redefining how cannabis is perceived and regulated at the federal level.

Background of the Reclassification Initiative

Cannabis has long been classified as a Schedule 1 drug, categorizing it alongside substances deemed to have no accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse. However, changing public opinion and emerging research have questioned this classification. The initiation of the rescheduling process began in October 2022 when President Joe Biden directed various Cabinet-level agencies to reassess cannabis’s risks and benefits compared to other controlled substances.

The Presidential Directive’s Impact

President Biden’s directive signals the administration’s intention to align federal policy with evolving state regulations and public sentiment. By asking federal agencies to scrutinize cannabis’s classification, the groundwork was laid for a thorough review that ultimately highlighted a critical discrepancy: cannabis was being treated more harshly under federal law than drugs like fentanyl, despite growing evidence of its medicinal value.

Key Steps in the Reclassification Process

In August 2023, following an exhaustive review that incorporated data from states where medical cannabis is legal, federal agencies concluded that cannabis does indeed have medically accepted uses. This revelation was pivotal, leading to the recommendation that cannabis be reclassified as a Schedule 3 drug—a category reserved for substances with moderate to low potential for physical and psychological dependence, provided a doctor prescribes them.

The next procedural step unfolded with this recommendation: a call for public comments, as announced in a Federal Register notice. Throughout a 62-day period, stakeholders ranging from individual citizens to advocacy groups have the opportunity to voice their concerns or support. Additionally, the Department of Justice will entertain requests for a public hearing before an administrative law judge, making the entire process transparent and participatory.

Implications of Moving to Schedule 3

If the reclassification is finalized, cannabis will come under the regulatory umbrella applicable to all Schedule III substances. This means heightened controls and specific requirements addressing U.S. treaty obligations. These treatments include careful monitoring of distribution channels and prescription protocols designed to prevent misuse while allowing legitimate medical applications.

Impact on the Cannabis Industry

A crucial aspect of this reclassification is its potential effect on the burgeoning state-legal cannabis market, valued at approximately $36 billion. Businesses operating within this sector face myriad challenges due largely to conflicting state and federal laws. For example, financial institutions often refuse to serve cannabis businesses because of federal restrictions, creating substantial operational hurdles.

Economic and Legislative Ramifications

One notable benefit of the proposed change involves taxation. Under Schedule 1 and 2 classifications, cannabis businesses currently cannot claim certain deductions on their federal tax returns due to IRS Code Section 280E. Should cannabis be reclassified to Schedule 3, these businesses would no longer be subjected to such prohibitive tax rules, potentially easing financial strains and fostering growth within the industry.

Future Reforms and Congressional Action

However, this reclassification alone cannot address all issues faced by the cannabis industry. Additional reforms, such as banking protections or allowing cannabis companies to list on major U.S.-based stock exchanges, require legislative action from Congress. Therefore, while the proposed change represents progress, it is but one piece of a broader puzzle needing comprehensive reform.

Engaging the Public in Policymaking

The call for public comments exemplifies the democratic nature of this policymaking process, ensuring diverse voices contribute to shaping future cannabis policies. It underscores the essential need for informed discourse based on empirical data and broad consensus rather than solely on theoretical dangers or outdated perceptions.

The potential reclassification of cannabis from Schedule 1 to Schedule 3 could signify the dawn of a new era in drug policy and legislation in the United States. As the nation enters the public comment period and awaits final decisions, the implications for state-legal cannabis programs, healthcare providers, regulatory bodies, and consumers are profound. This development invites a balanced dialogue about the future of cannabis regulation, emphasizing both opportunities and challenges ahead.

About the Author: HCN News Team

The News Team at Highly Capitalized are some of the most experienced writers in cannabis and psychedelics business & finance. We cover capital markets, finance, branding, marketing and everything important in between. Most of all, we follow the money.

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